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Nouble keen to extend Gills stay
Nouble keen to extend Gills stay

Gillingham’s on loan striker Frank Nouble has stated his desire to stay at the club for a third month.

Nouble’s current loan spell is set to end on Monday, but having scored his fifth goal for the club in the 2-1 win at Aldershot on Saturday, the West Ham striker confirmed to the official website how he was keen on staying at Priestfield:

“I have been here two months and the manager has given me a lot of confidence and I am playing well. I am happy that he wants me to stay. We will hopefully get that sorted, we have a few days to sort it out.”

“I want to sign and hopefully it will be sorted. I can’t play in the cup game (against Bournemouth on Tuesday night) anway because West Ham said I couldn’t play. I want to carry on doing what I am now.”

As for The Gills chances of keeping Nouble in the long term, the West Ham striker is clear that he wants to go back to the Hammers and secure a first team place with them:

“I always want to go back to West Ham. I want to do well for them, but at the same time I need to realise what the realities are there.”

“There are a lot of players there and the manager just asked me to go out on loan, do well, and see what happens. I am just happy that Gillingham want to keep me on for another month and I will take it from there.”

Gills boss Andy Hessentaler is firm in his belief that he will be able to persuade Hammers boss Sam Alardyce into keeping the striker:

“He wants to stay for another month and he has enjoyed himself here. He is playing and scoring goals and he loves every minute of it.”

“They have all got representatives and Frank is looked after. West Ham have agreed and they are happy and we are delighted with that. I have spoken to Frank and hopefully that will be extended and it will happen on Monday.”

