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Nightingale keen to use expertise
Nightingale keen to use expertise

Netminder Steve Nightingale is using his experience at the Invicta Dynamos to become a personal trainer / strength and conditioning coach.

Steve Nightingale2

The 31 year old from Chatham has spent the past season with the Kent ice hockey side and in that time, Nightingale has become qualified to deliver high quality advice to anyone wanting to get in shape.

Now looking to get more hands on, Nightingale is teaming up with a local gym to offer expert advice and he told Kent Sports News about his exciting plans:

“I’ve agreed terms with the META personal training studio in Chatham (www.themetastudio.co.uk) and have space to take on a few clients for high quality personal training or strength and conditioning.”

“META is not like a regular gym – there are no memberships, no fixed machines, no lines of treadmills. What you get is a truly one-to-one training experience in a supportive, friendly and fun environment, and this is the reason I decided I wanted to train out of there.”

“I have been working in the industry since 2008 when, whilst still at university, I started working for Peterborough Phantoms ice hockey team as a masseuse and fitness coach.”

“I completed my degree and also qualified with the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist in 2009.”

“I went on to complete a Masters degree in Strength and Conditioning from Middlesex University in 2012, whilst also working with a semi-professional rugby team and individually with MMA athletes.”

“From here I took up the role of Head of Strength and Conditioning with the English Ice Hockey Association. It is a fantastic experience, and I get to see each junior national team a few times a year to test their fitness, put them through their paces, and give them ideas for training throughout the season.”

“I also speak to the coaches to give advice on how the athletes should be working out throughout the season.”

Steve Nightingale

Working in Medway, Nightingale is hoping he can support lots of locals, but is already finding he is busy and only has chance to help a few more people:

“I have now secured floor space in one of the best fitness environments in Kent, which will allow me to train a few clients a week.”

“Phil and Ross (Directors) and their team at META have a great passion for fitness, nutrition and well-being, and I feel lucky to have joined that team.”

“As a fully qualified personal trainer, I can help get you beach ready with summer just around the corner, and as a strength and conditioning expert, I can help athletes who want to get fitter, stronger and faster for their sport.”

“You can find more information about me at my website www.snstrength.co.uk or search for SN Strength on Facebook.”

“META have a huge social media following on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and their website is www.themetastudio.co.uk

“I’m offering discounted rates for the first few clients, so hurry up and get in touch today!”

Pictures supplied by David Trevallion.
