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Livingstone ready to get going
Livingstone ready to get going

Dan Livingstone is ready and raring to go as he makes his debut in the K-Tec Racing Clio Series in just a few short weeks.Dan Livingstone3

He will be making his debut in a Tin Top series having raced last season in a Caterham and is hoping he can be just as successful.

Speaking about what attracted him to the K-TEC Series, he said: “The K-TEC Racing Clio Series looks like a fantastic new series. The 750MC, K-Tec and Dunlop have created a professionally run, level playing field series were the onus is on the driver to make the difference rather than the car. The regulations are very strict which mean all cars will be the same.

“I will miss racing my Caterham as I had a brilliant first year racing it but it has always been a goal of mine to be racing a Clio so I’m really excited to begin my journey racing a front wheel drive car.

The Clio will be quite a different experience for Dan and he is hoping that he can make the adjustments quickly.

He added: “I believe it is going to quite a difference driving a Clio in comparison to my Caterham. I aim to learn the car as quickly as possible to put me in a good position for when the series begins. From what I’ve been told Clio’s tend to understeer quite a bit therefore you have to set up the car to try and prevent this as much as possible.

“We have only just purchased the Clio so we will be trying to get some pre-season testing to get a feel for the car. I understand how important pre-season preparation is so we will be doing everything we can to ensure a fast build.

Finally we asked Dan whether he has set himself any targets for the coming season and how he thinks it will go.

“I always want the best from me so will be looking to achieve as much as I can this year. I know though that this series is going to be very challenging with some great drivers so I will be doing my upmost to push for some good results.

“The grid size for this year looks brilliant and seeing the cars are all the same I can imagine the racing is going to be very close and competitive.”

You can keep up-to-date with Dan’s exploits by following him on facebook or twitter



