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Ladies teams merge in Maidstone
Ladies teams merge in Maidstone

Ladies football in Maidstone has been boosted by the amalgamation of two of the town’s clubs.Maidstone Ladies

Maidstone Town Ladies and Maidstone United Ladies are joining forces to raise the profile of the game, which is enjoying a resurgence following the 2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup and 2012 London Olympic Games.

From the 2013/14, a senior ladies team will play under the Maidstone United name. The team will play in the London and South East Regional Women’s Premier Division (Step 4) – the league currently contested by Maidstone Town Ladies.

The ladies team will play their home matches at the Gallagher Stadium on Sunday afternoons.

Chairman of Maidstone United Community, John Harvey, said: “Ladies football is a growing sport and the merger of Maidstone Town and United will take the game locally to the next level. As well as the senior team, there will be girls youth teams at ages under 10s and 11s.

Secretary of Maidstone Town, Peter Spragg, who will become Head of Ladies Football at Maidstone United, added: “Both teams will benefit from experienced players playing in a higher league. That, coupled with the professional development and infrastructure of Maidstone United, will offer female footballers with the best opportunities to enjoy and progress in the game.”

Anyone interested in playing for or sponsoring Maidstone United Ladies, can telephone Peter Spragg on 07956 340535.

Ladies’ football in Kent showed an increase in participation, growing to more than 150 teams for girls and ladies by the end of 2012.
